Monday, December 22, 2008

* My day at the beach! *

I went to the beach. I went to the beach with my father, sister and my maid. The beach we went to was at East Coast. It was very breezy. I always loved the beach's breeze. It makes you feel like you want to sleep. ZZZZzzzz.. The weird thing is, I was the only one who played with the water and the sand! My sister said she was not in the mood to play in the water. My maid said she do not want to. And my fahter was sleeping. I do not like to play alone. But I had to. I will not be sitting there, doing nothing. I zoomed to the sand. Then I made a mountain and a water collecter (that's what I decided to name it). It hole was very deep indeed. I made taller walls that surround it so that the water would not go in. I know why you are wondering, if I am building a water collecter, the water is supposed to go in. Well, you see, if water goes in the hole, the sand will rise and the hole will be gone. All my hard work will be gone.. And time will be wasted. I hope that when I go back to the same beach at East Coast, I will see it. Hopefully.
(: thanks for reading :)

Thursday, December 18, 2008

* The beach *

I am going to the beach later. I bet it will be fun! I cannot wait! Now, if you see my 'View My Complete Profile' thingy, u will see more than a hundred viewed me! Hmm, nothing else to say. Oh well, until next time!
(thanks for reading)

Saturday, December 13, 2008

My blog

Hello! I changed my blog skin. Nice right? I love it. Lets continue with the short forms.
LUV: Love
NTH: Nothing
BB: Bye Bye
LYK: Like
I do not know what other. Well, not not know, but forgot.
(:thank you for reading:)

Wednesday, December 10, 2008

Another post

I love to write at my blog but I just do not know what to talk about! Nevermind.. Now, let me share with you short forms.
OMG : Oh My God
LYK : Like
WIF : With
ROFL : Rolling On (the) Floor Laughing
U : You
I need to go..
(thanks for reading)

Tuesday, November 25, 2008

The book I have read

Hello, im here. You know that now is 11:43 p.m.? haha.. the book that i have read is 'sing to the dawn'. Illustrated by Kwoncjan Ho. Haha.. cool name right? haha.. (: It's a great book. It has 125 pages. Hah. I have read books with more pages.. The other book i read was 'Toilet of doom'. I'm not sure how many pages are there but it is SO SO thick! It was so interesting and funny I read it just in a few days! I love that book. I wish that more books are like that.. I think it was meant for a primary 5 or 6 book. But who cares?! (: haha.. got to go.. bye (:
Thanks for reading (:

Monday, November 17, 2008

The holidays

The holidays are here.. Finally! Holiday in the house! I think that holidays are fun but at the same time, sad. You know why? Well, I think that holidays are fun because I get to play games. While on the other hand, I think hoildays are sad too because you don't get to see all your friends in school. Right? Well, at least i'm not that sad because I get to play with my neighbour. Do you want to know more about my neighbour? His name is Tan Jia Yue. He schools in Choa Chu Kang Primary School. He's at our age, 9. And of course, (obviously) sorry if wrong spelling :) He is in primary 3 this year. He is in primary 4 next year. Like us. (if you're an age 9) :)

Friday, October 31, 2008

My mother tounge exam

YEAH.. Another exam.. this time, it's my mother tongue exam. All the questions in my mother tongue exam was SOO EASY!!!!! Nothing to say much.. Bye..

My mathematics exam

Oh.. Oh.. the SA2 exams are drawing near.. i feel SOO nervous.. My most weakest subject is mathematics. I wish i could go to 4A so that my family will be proud for me. And the other reason is that if i go to 4A next year, i will get a psp. YAY! To get high marks, i must revise for at least the most, 2 hours a day. At first, i thought most of the questions in my SA2 mathematics exam was difficult. But when i recieved my SA2 mathematics exam paper, i was shocked when i saw the questions. Almost ALL of the questions in the SA2 mathematics exam paper was SOO easy! Except for the last question, a guess and check question. But i took my time to read every word in the last question. But I managed to get the answer. I was relieved that I could answer that question. When i was at the last question, Miss Tan (a form teacher in 3B) said that in 5 minutes time, Miss Tan will start to collect the papers. I wanted to check, but i checked only quarter of the mathematics paper. Then finally, all my nervousness and my stressness was gone at last. But one thing remained, my worriedness.

Sunday, October 26, 2008

Read This..

Saturday, October 25, 2008



a funny thing!

Did you know last friday, while mr ying was teaching the class, some of his seliver (i don't know how to spell) went to rebecca's eyes?! Hahaha! hmm.. what else to say... haiya.. oh well, till next time..

Monday, October 20, 2008

Last week

Last week was a truly great week. It was last Thursday, 16th of october that made that WHOLE week a truly great week. I went out with my schoolmates for hari raya. They were all girls. Do you want to know their names? Well, they are: Shazarifah, Sorfina, Izzah, Irdina, Natasha and Hidayah. Plus me. We went to Shazarifah's house first. But i didn't follow them to the first house. Second, my house. Third, Natasha. Did you know Natasha lives in a condo? When she looks down from the balcony, you can see the swimming pool straight away? Wow. Fourth, Hidayah. Fifth, Irdina. Sixth, Sorfina. I don't know if i miss-counted. 7th, Izzah. I have got it all mixed up but oh well, at least you know what house we went to. I wish we could go to Teacher Nor Hayati's house. we know the address but we didn't know if she was in school marking the PSLE papers. I don't know when we will go to Teacher Nor Hayati's house.

Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Hari Raya

YAY!!! In a weeks time is Hari Raya!!! I have already purchased my Hari Raya clothes. It is blue in colour. Do you know I picked my clothes to be blue? Well, this year, my family decided to buy all the clothes blue so no one will be the odd one out! :) On the 30th of September, I will go back to my 'kampong' in Malaysia. I can't wait to go back to my 'kampong'!

Friday, September 19, 2008

Today in school

Today in school, when Mr Ying was not in class, (or any other teacher) the class was very, very noisy. (Sorry if wrong, its been a long time since I spelled that word(: ) During the second last period, it was Mr Ying's lesson. Mr Ying couldn't teach us at that time because he was dating! Hahs!! I wonder who was his her? haha.. back to the subject. So, a teacher named Mr Dave (if I'm not wrong) came to the class. When he sat down, he said, "stand up. Who was the ones making unnecessary sound and movement will remain standing. Those who were reading or discussing about the project, you may sit down." (If I'm not wrong) (again) My classmates were very honest. So some of them bravely stood up. Almost more than quarter or half the class was standing! But Mr Dave managed to speak them into sitting down. Mr Dave asked us if we had journals. Of course we had journals, but Mr Ying asked us to make blogs. :)

Sunday, August 17, 2008

Discovery Channel : Travel & Living

On discovery channel : Travel & Living , they have this show called 'bizarre foods'. This show shows a man eating bizarre foods! His name is Andrew Zinemem. (I think) Let me tell you one of the foods he ate. It is very gross. He ate goose's intestine. EEW...

When I grow up I want to be...

When I grow up, I want to be an author. And do you know why I want to be an author? Well, i have not get into that yet... hhmmm... oh! Well, to let other children read my books.. and maybe become famous in writing books! But for now, I will stick to writing stories first. That will be a long time from now. i showed you one of the stories that I wrote right in the previous post? Well now, i'm working on a new story.. the title: The prince, the frog and the princess. I have not quite finished it yet but i'll tell you..
The prince, the frog and the princess
Not so long ago, there lived a prince. He was selfish, spoilt and unkind. One sunny day, he decided to go to the pond. There, he saw an ugly looking frog and he decided to kill it. So, he went to the castle's kitchen to look for a knife. There, he found the knife, grabbed it and ran as quickly as possible to the pond. When he reached the pond, he had noticed that the frog was gone! He grumbled and grumbled all the way to his room. At his room, there, he saw the same ugly looking frog. As he tried to kill it, it turned into a witch. He flip-flopped backwards and nearly tripped as he was to shocked and frightened.
"You want to kill me? Well, now.. i want to kill you!!! See if you like it!!" croaked the witch. Before the prince could say anything, at once, the witch turned him into a frog! Now the prince was a frog. The frog jumped and croaked all around the room. The witch tried to kill it, but it hopped to fast to let the witch to kill it. He escaped by jumping out of the bedroom door.
Well, as I said, I have not quite finished yet.. But i'm working on it!!

Friday, August 8, 2008

Loyal Friend

When I grow up, I want to be an author. I had written some stories and I would like to share with you one of the stories.
Loyal Friend
I had a dog. He has brow fur and brown eyes. That's why I call him Browny. Iadopted him in the SPCA. He is well trained by the SPCA people. He has been toilet-trained, catch-a-frisbee-trained and even manners-trained! WOW! He follows me to school, and after school finishes, he barks really loudly to let me know he's there. So, he won't get left behind. I really love him. At first, I was actuallyalone... with no friends.. at all! But when Browny came, he changed everything. Boys and girls were at first annoyed by the loud barking usually made from Browny everyday after scholl, but now, they seem to understand him and started to like him. Of course, with his big, brown eyes, no one could resist it. He always shows his puppy-dog eyes when either me or my sblings or even my schoolmates scold him. When the first time I scolded him because he ate my exercise book, he showed me his puppy-dog eyes. And of course, I resisted it. The boys and girls in my school started to like me and Browny. I was so happy. During recess, we would play together either in the basketball court or the field. I love having friends. But Browny is my number one best friend. When I was in Primary 6, I still had Browny! Now, Browny is 10 years old. He was almost as big as a chair! Maybe I have mistaken his age but who could argue with a dog as big as a chair?! My father, mother, siblings and I took good care of him. Browny has only one difference from the rest of the dogs; whenever he sees a cat, he will try to make friends with it. Browny's a twisted dog!! And whenever he tries to make friends with a cat, the cat will run away! Now, I have to try to make someone his friend. But what could I do?! If it's a person-friend kinda thing,of course I know but and animal-friend? Golly! It was jarder than i thought it will be! Oh syaks!
On a Tuesday, somehow I told Browny not to follow me to school and 'fetch' me. On that particular day, I saw a cat. It was so beautiful! It had brown fur and brown eyes! So, the cat must be like Browny! They must get along! So, I brought her up to my house (i'm living in a flat). When the first time she saw him, she did nothing at all. Usually cats will try to run away when it sees a cat but this cat does nothing at all!! So, I let her down, calm and steady. Then she started to walk towards Browny. Browny also started to walk towards her. Browny made a soft bark and the cat made a soft meow. They were together! As friend of course. Hurray! I put them together! Hip, hip! HURRAY! I asked mother if I can keep her. But she refused and said,"If you keep the cat together with Browny, they will fight for sure!"
"Ah, that's correct, but Browny is a twisted dog. Instead of fighting her, he wants to make friends with her!" I croaked.
"Oh, is that so? Well, you can keep her. But only you. Understand?" Mother asked.
"OF COURSE!!"I screamed.
The word 'yay' was in my mind. Repeating and repeating and repeating! I could never get the word 'yay' out of my mind. It was the PSLE week now. I am feeling very nervous! Before school, (i'm in the afternoon session) I went to look whether the cat and Browny was okay. But before that, I decided to name the cat Britney. Haha, funny name! Oh well, it was my choice! I saw Bitrney and Browney playinf with a yarn of ball. Mostly Britney will play it more as cats love to play with yarns of ball. So, I said to myself,"okay, everything's the same!"
After school, usually I will hear Browny's barking. But today, there seem to be no barking. So, I just went home. I screamed when i opened the door of my house,"MOTHER, BROWNY, BRITNEY, I'M BACK!" I looked around and only saw mother lookind for something.
"Mother, where's Browny and Britney?" I asked her.
"They are lost, i'm finding them. Help me."Mother said. I too tried to find them but they were not found! I went out of the house to look for them. I went to the first floor to look for them. Then, I found them, in the drain. And guess what I saw? Them! But, they had blood oozing out of their bodies. I stared at them for five minutes then, I screamed. As loud as I could get. On the top of my lungs. I wanted to hold them in my hands and arms but they were covered in blood! Again, I stared at them for another five minutes. Then I thought about it. After about thirty seconds, I said to myself,"OH MY! Maybe they jumped from my house to the ground floor!" I stared at it again for another five minutes , and cried...
Well, that was the end of my story.. It's supposed to be a mystery story..
I hope you enjoyed and like my story!!!

Tuesday, May 27, 2008

A123.COM is as same as Usually, I go to After I discovered, I just said "ah, its just a same website as y8!" But, nowadays, y8 is getting slower to load. So, if i go to, it will load faster. Alot of people don't know about the website But there is!! So go to that website,(if you want to) and have fun!!! (for children like me!:)

Wednesday, May 21, 2008

My Science Results

I'm not satisfied by my science results.(Is my satisfied spelled wrongly?XD) Guess whats my science result? NO WAY I'M TELLING YOU!!! haha.. i got band 2.. so.. its around 70-75. okay? I have given you a hint. REMEMBER, I WOULD NOT TELL YOU!!! NEVER EVER!!!

Tuesday, May 13, 2008

My Maid

My maid's name is Dewi Yanti. She is from Indonesia.The part she lives in Indonesia is Palembang. She is 20 years old. Her birthday is on 27th of November. She is a muslim. She has black and long hair. She everytime wears long sleeves shirt and long pants.

Monday, May 12, 2008

Jeremy's Blog

Jeremy's blog is He has written 2 posts.. Maybe he JUST created his blog. maybe.. read his two posts.. in just TWO posts, he wrote ALOT!!

Thursday, May 8, 2008


Audition is my 1st FAVOURITE GAME!
TO DOWNLOAD IT.. GO TO You need to join too!! you can talk and play game. some of the hair, clothes are A-CASH. but some of them is den. when you play and if you win, you will get den. if you lose. you will still get den.(just to make sure.. den is money) My account name is
' Syakirah '. If you join audition, can you add me as your friend? (in audition)


Maplestory is my 1st FAVOURITE GAME!!!!
you can fight, talk and level up!!
my account is level 157. I already have a 4th job. my second powerful level is 153. the job is hunter. if you want to play maplestory, you must join and download it.


Habbo is my favourite site..
you can talk to people..
but u need to join
its totally free..
u can change clothes too..


Raudhah is my best friend. She is 9 years old. She has a blog too. Her blog is: I creates the blog for her. Mostly, no, All THE POST IN HER BLOG IS WRITTEN BY ME.. maybe she hasnot or do not know how to post. Raudhah is my BESTEST BEST FRIEND EVER! She went to class 1b, 2b then 3G. (I THINK) We always go to school together. We always go to our religous class together. (IF YOU ARE MALAY, OUR RELIGOUS CLASS IS ACTUALLY MADRASAH)


I just went to his blog. Do you want to know his blog? ok, here it is: I'm encouraging you to go to his blog because he has a lot of posts written! So, you can enjoy reading at HIS blog!!

Ok, NOW then i'll talk about linus.
I his blog.. beneath his picture at the right,
he wrote "I'm a 9 years old student from Concord Primary School." Yeah, He is a 9 years old boy and a student from Concord Primary School. He is of course, a chinese boy. (I'M FINISHED)

Saturday, April 26, 2008

My Piano Class

I learn piano. My piano lessons is on Sunday. 11:30 - 12:15. It is held at Limbang. I have learned a lot of songs. Like 'Mary Had A Little Lamb', 'Ode To Joy', 'Long, Long Ago' and more! I like to learn piano. I would want to be a famous pianist when I grow up.

My Swimming Class

My swimming classes is on Saturday, 5:00. It ends at 6:00. So, 5:00-6:00. Example, when I go there at 5:10, it will end at 6:10. I have learned breathestroke, freestyle and backkick. There is backkick and sidekick. Just to make sure, it does not mean backkick or sidekick is to KICK!! alright?!? My swimming class is held at Choa Chu Kang Sports Complex. If you have not gone to the Choa Chu Kang Sports Complex, let me tell you a little about it. Inside it, there is a gym, a stadium and of course, swimming pools. It has baby swimming pool, a swimming pool with a slide (but the place where has the slide, the water is SO COLD!) and a swimming pool that has waves at certain times. I would want to be a famous swimmer when I grow up.

Thursday, April 24, 2008

My Art Teacher

Do you know my art teacher is actually my last year and my primary one teacher? Her name is Mrs Angie Li/Wong. Usually, me and my classmates call her Mrs Li. I was so happy and suprised when I saw her coming in the doorstep of my class door. I was really, really happy to see her. I wish my art period will last longer!! :)

My Experiment

On the 20th of February, I experimented a fish. (A DEAD FISH, of course) The fish looked fingernail-like. It felt very smooth and quite rough too. The scales help to protect the fish. The gills are red, wet and soft. The gills help the fish to breathe in water. When fishes are dead or sometimes alive, they smell really, really, awful and really, really smelly!! That is what I hate about SMELLY fishes the MOST!

Saturday, April 19, 2008

BEN 10

Ben 10 im my favourite show,
it is supposed to be a boy's favourite show,
but, its ok with me.
im watching Ben 10 now by the way, at home!! at 3:00
it starts at 2:50 and ends at 3:40!
I LIKE BEN 10!!! Do you??

Friday, April 18, 2008

My Favourite fishes

My favourite fishes are.. the great blue shark, whale shark and the swordfish! What I like about the great blue shark is that it is quite big and it is because it has a blueish colour. What I like about the whale shark is that the whale shark almost as big as the whale! What I like about the swordfish is that the swordfish has a nose looking like a sword.

A Trip To The Scince Centre!

My teacher, Mr Ying, my classmates and I went to the scince centre. My classmates and I are actually supposed to go to the zoo. At the scince centre, I saw lots of interesting facts about viruses, bacteria, fishes and many, many more! I also saw a poccupine fish. I like that fish because it looks a iitle chubby! :) At 4'0'clock, my classmates and I went to Mcdonald. I had $2, Izzati had $4, Xin Hui had$4and Afiq had $2. (I THINK!:) Then, we combined our money and had $10 altogether. We bought a mcflurry, 2 french fries(small) and a double cheese burger. I had a wonderful, awesome and a great time at the science centre. I LIKE GOING TO THE SCINCE CENTRE! HAVE YOU EVER WENT TO THE SCIENCE CENTRE? WELL, IF YOU DIDN'T, GO NOW! IT'LL BE THE BEST! HOPE YOU LIKE GOING TO THE SCIENCE CENTRE! JUST LIKE ME!!