Monday, December 22, 2008

* My day at the beach! *

I went to the beach. I went to the beach with my father, sister and my maid. The beach we went to was at East Coast. It was very breezy. I always loved the beach's breeze. It makes you feel like you want to sleep. ZZZZzzzz.. The weird thing is, I was the only one who played with the water and the sand! My sister said she was not in the mood to play in the water. My maid said she do not want to. And my fahter was sleeping. I do not like to play alone. But I had to. I will not be sitting there, doing nothing. I zoomed to the sand. Then I made a mountain and a water collecter (that's what I decided to name it). It hole was very deep indeed. I made taller walls that surround it so that the water would not go in. I know why you are wondering, if I am building a water collecter, the water is supposed to go in. Well, you see, if water goes in the hole, the sand will rise and the hole will be gone. All my hard work will be gone.. And time will be wasted. I hope that when I go back to the same beach at East Coast, I will see it. Hopefully.
(: thanks for reading :)