Friday, October 31, 2008

My mathematics exam

Oh.. Oh.. the SA2 exams are drawing near.. i feel SOO nervous.. My most weakest subject is mathematics. I wish i could go to 4A so that my family will be proud for me. And the other reason is that if i go to 4A next year, i will get a psp. YAY! To get high marks, i must revise for at least the most, 2 hours a day. At first, i thought most of the questions in my SA2 mathematics exam was difficult. But when i recieved my SA2 mathematics exam paper, i was shocked when i saw the questions. Almost ALL of the questions in the SA2 mathematics exam paper was SOO easy! Except for the last question, a guess and check question. But i took my time to read every word in the last question. But I managed to get the answer. I was relieved that I could answer that question. When i was at the last question, Miss Tan (a form teacher in 3B) said that in 5 minutes time, Miss Tan will start to collect the papers. I wanted to check, but i checked only quarter of the mathematics paper. Then finally, all my nervousness and my stressness was gone at last. But one thing remained, my worriedness.