Monday, October 20, 2008

Last week

Last week was a truly great week. It was last Thursday, 16th of october that made that WHOLE week a truly great week. I went out with my schoolmates for hari raya. They were all girls. Do you want to know their names? Well, they are: Shazarifah, Sorfina, Izzah, Irdina, Natasha and Hidayah. Plus me. We went to Shazarifah's house first. But i didn't follow them to the first house. Second, my house. Third, Natasha. Did you know Natasha lives in a condo? When she looks down from the balcony, you can see the swimming pool straight away? Wow. Fourth, Hidayah. Fifth, Irdina. Sixth, Sorfina. I don't know if i miss-counted. 7th, Izzah. I have got it all mixed up but oh well, at least you know what house we went to. I wish we could go to Teacher Nor Hayati's house. we know the address but we didn't know if she was in school marking the PSLE papers. I don't know when we will go to Teacher Nor Hayati's house.