Sunday, August 17, 2008

When I grow up I want to be...

When I grow up, I want to be an author. And do you know why I want to be an author? Well, i have not get into that yet... hhmmm... oh! Well, to let other children read my books.. and maybe become famous in writing books! But for now, I will stick to writing stories first. That will be a long time from now. i showed you one of the stories that I wrote right in the previous post? Well now, i'm working on a new story.. the title: The prince, the frog and the princess. I have not quite finished it yet but i'll tell you..
The prince, the frog and the princess
Not so long ago, there lived a prince. He was selfish, spoilt and unkind. One sunny day, he decided to go to the pond. There, he saw an ugly looking frog and he decided to kill it. So, he went to the castle's kitchen to look for a knife. There, he found the knife, grabbed it and ran as quickly as possible to the pond. When he reached the pond, he had noticed that the frog was gone! He grumbled and grumbled all the way to his room. At his room, there, he saw the same ugly looking frog. As he tried to kill it, it turned into a witch. He flip-flopped backwards and nearly tripped as he was to shocked and frightened.
"You want to kill me? Well, now.. i want to kill you!!! See if you like it!!" croaked the witch. Before the prince could say anything, at once, the witch turned him into a frog! Now the prince was a frog. The frog jumped and croaked all around the room. The witch tried to kill it, but it hopped to fast to let the witch to kill it. He escaped by jumping out of the bedroom door.
Well, as I said, I have not quite finished yet.. But i'm working on it!!