Tuesday, June 2, 2009

June Holidays

Woohoo! June holidays are here! June holidays are in the house! Haha.. I am not going overseas. But it is better that I am not going overseas because I might get H1N1. Arggh! I hate that disease! It is spreading! Now it is even in Singapore! I hope anyone I know or me will not get that disease! Ah, anyway, Mr Loo assigned my class, (4C) assingments at He told us that he will assign us assingments everyday bit by bit! Oh ya, and those who are going overseas, Mr Loo will give the person assignments before AND after the trip. Luckily! I just hope that the people going overseas would not get H1N1! >Bismillahirohmanirohim. Ya Allah, Allah yang maha Esa, janganlah mengasi orang yang saya tahu H1N1. Dan Ya Tuhan, saya mintak kamu membuat H1N1 ini tiada lagi.. Ya Allah..<>

Wednesday, May 20, 2009


Month of May.. Nothing much.. Oh yea, Mr Loo is now my form teacher! Well, I know why you are wondering, why Mr Loo? And who is Mr Loo? Well answer is that well, Mrs Yeoh is giving birth. That is so WONDERFUL! oops, back to the story.. :) And Mr Loo is OBVIOUSLY (sorry if wrong spelling) a male. Too bad, Mrs Yeoh was better. She gives us stuff when our Mathematics or English is good. or excellent. Like prizes. :) Oh yea, now THIS makes me sad.. Arina is now distancing herself from me. (when she is with marion) But she said to me that deep inside her, she actually still friend me.

Marion say to whoever she is close with, (friends) to do not friend me.. What's up with that?!?! Did i do something wrong? Anyway, Marion is also a show-off. rawr. I actually wanted to caps lock 'what's up with that?!?! Did i do something wrong?' but that will be considered as one of the bad thing to write on the internet. Cyber-(something) I think it is Cyber-Wellness? Anyone know comment me the right answer. If Cyber-Wellness is correct, just no need to reply. If I get it correct, WOOHOO!

Wo, in this post, I wrote alot.. :) Oh well, buh-bye! a.ka. bb! a.k.a. bye bye!

Sunday, May 3, 2009

(: *-* :)

OMG!!! sorry I did not write on my blog for SO long! 3 months! February, March, (my birthday) and April!! Mostly because I was busy and cannot use the laptop everyday because the exam is coming... :P hehe... Anyway, just now, I went to Mount Fabor. (sorry if wrong spelling) My mother, my sister, my maid and I went there. I think I i treked/tracked for 4.5 kilometer. I know.. WOW.. :P It was SO fun! I did not even argue with my sister during that. Hehe, the only thing we ate during the trek/track was 2 sneakers.. Haha.. (not the shoe sneakers!! :P) Oh well, BYE!!

Sunday, January 25, 2009

Chalet in Cost Sands Singapore

I'm atthe Costa sands Singapore chalet. I went here there. For the record, I'm at it now! I'm surprised that this chalet has a computer! And i'm using it for free!!!!!!!!!!!!1 It's GREAT here! especially during the BBQ time!!! oh well, bye!
(thanks for reading)

Monday, December 22, 2008

* My day at the beach! *

I went to the beach. I went to the beach with my father, sister and my maid. The beach we went to was at East Coast. It was very breezy. I always loved the beach's breeze. It makes you feel like you want to sleep. ZZZZzzzz.. The weird thing is, I was the only one who played with the water and the sand! My sister said she was not in the mood to play in the water. My maid said she do not want to. And my fahter was sleeping. I do not like to play alone. But I had to. I will not be sitting there, doing nothing. I zoomed to the sand. Then I made a mountain and a water collecter (that's what I decided to name it). It hole was very deep indeed. I made taller walls that surround it so that the water would not go in. I know why you are wondering, if I am building a water collecter, the water is supposed to go in. Well, you see, if water goes in the hole, the sand will rise and the hole will be gone. All my hard work will be gone.. And time will be wasted. I hope that when I go back to the same beach at East Coast, I will see it. Hopefully.
(: thanks for reading :)

Thursday, December 18, 2008

* The beach *

I am going to the beach later. I bet it will be fun! I cannot wait! Now, if you see my 'View My Complete Profile' thingy, u will see more than a hundred viewed me! Hmm, nothing else to say. Oh well, until next time!
(thanks for reading)

Saturday, December 13, 2008

My blog

Hello! I changed my blog skin. Nice right? I love it. Lets continue with the short forms.
LUV: Love
NTH: Nothing
BB: Bye Bye
LYK: Like
I do not know what other. Well, not not know, but forgot.
(:thank you for reading:)

Wednesday, December 10, 2008

Another post

I love to write at my blog but I just do not know what to talk about! Nevermind.. Now, let me share with you short forms.
OMG : Oh My God
LYK : Like
WIF : With
ROFL : Rolling On (the) Floor Laughing
U : You
I need to go..
(thanks for reading)

Tuesday, November 25, 2008

The book I have read

Hello, im here. You know that now is 11:43 p.m.? haha.. the book that i have read is 'sing to the dawn'. Illustrated by Kwoncjan Ho. Haha.. cool name right? haha.. (: It's a great book. It has 125 pages. Hah. I have read books with more pages.. The other book i read was 'Toilet of doom'. I'm not sure how many pages are there but it is SO SO thick! It was so interesting and funny I read it just in a few days! I love that book. I wish that more books are like that.. I think it was meant for a primary 5 or 6 book. But who cares?! (: haha.. got to go.. bye (:
Thanks for reading (:

Monday, November 17, 2008

The holidays

The holidays are here.. Finally! Holiday in the house! I think that holidays are fun but at the same time, sad. You know why? Well, I think that holidays are fun because I get to play games. While on the other hand, I think hoildays are sad too because you don't get to see all your friends in school. Right? Well, at least i'm not that sad because I get to play with my neighbour. Do you want to know more about my neighbour? His name is Tan Jia Yue. He schools in Choa Chu Kang Primary School. He's at our age, 9. And of course, (obviously) sorry if wrong spelling :) He is in primary 3 this year. He is in primary 4 next year. Like us. (if you're an age 9) :)

Friday, October 31, 2008

My mother tounge exam

YEAH.. Another exam.. this time, it's my mother tongue exam. All the questions in my mother tongue exam was SOO EASY!!!!! Nothing to say much.. Bye..

My mathematics exam

Oh.. Oh.. the SA2 exams are drawing near.. i feel SOO nervous.. My most weakest subject is mathematics. I wish i could go to 4A so that my family will be proud for me. And the other reason is that if i go to 4A next year, i will get a psp. YAY! To get high marks, i must revise for at least the most, 2 hours a day. At first, i thought most of the questions in my SA2 mathematics exam was difficult. But when i recieved my SA2 mathematics exam paper, i was shocked when i saw the questions. Almost ALL of the questions in the SA2 mathematics exam paper was SOO easy! Except for the last question, a guess and check question. But i took my time to read every word in the last question. But I managed to get the answer. I was relieved that I could answer that question. When i was at the last question, Miss Tan (a form teacher in 3B) said that in 5 minutes time, Miss Tan will start to collect the papers. I wanted to check, but i checked only quarter of the mathematics paper. Then finally, all my nervousness and my stressness was gone at last. But one thing remained, my worriedness.

Sunday, October 26, 2008

Read This..

Saturday, October 25, 2008



a funny thing!

Did you know last friday, while mr ying was teaching the class, some of his seliver (i don't know how to spell) went to rebecca's eyes?! Hahaha! hmm.. what else to say... haiya.. oh well, till next time..