Tuesday, June 2, 2009

June Holidays

Woohoo! June holidays are here! June holidays are in the house! Haha.. I am not going overseas. But it is better that I am not going overseas because I might get H1N1. Arggh! I hate that disease! It is spreading! Now it is even in Singapore! I hope anyone I know or me will not get that disease! Ah, anyway, Mr Loo assigned my class, (4C) assingments at He told us that he will assign us assingments everyday bit by bit! Oh ya, and those who are going overseas, Mr Loo will give the person assignments before AND after the trip. Luckily! I just hope that the people going overseas would not get H1N1! >Bismillahirohmanirohim. Ya Allah, Allah yang maha Esa, janganlah mengasi orang yang saya tahu H1N1. Dan Ya Tuhan, saya mintak kamu membuat H1N1 ini tiada lagi.. Ya Allah..<>

Wednesday, May 20, 2009


Month of May.. Nothing much.. Oh yea, Mr Loo is now my form teacher! Well, I know why you are wondering, why Mr Loo? And who is Mr Loo? Well answer is that well, Mrs Yeoh is giving birth. That is so WONDERFUL! oops, back to the story.. :) And Mr Loo is OBVIOUSLY (sorry if wrong spelling) a male. Too bad, Mrs Yeoh was better. She gives us stuff when our Mathematics or English is good. or excellent. Like prizes. :) Oh yea, now THIS makes me sad.. Arina is now distancing herself from me. (when she is with marion) But she said to me that deep inside her, she actually still friend me.

Marion say to whoever she is close with, (friends) to do not friend me.. What's up with that?!?! Did i do something wrong? Anyway, Marion is also a show-off. rawr. I actually wanted to caps lock 'what's up with that?!?! Did i do something wrong?' but that will be considered as one of the bad thing to write on the internet. Cyber-(something) I think it is Cyber-Wellness? Anyone know comment me the right answer. If Cyber-Wellness is correct, just no need to reply. If I get it correct, WOOHOO!

Wo, in this post, I wrote alot.. :) Oh well, buh-bye! a.ka. bb! a.k.a. bye bye!

Sunday, May 3, 2009

(: *-* :)

OMG!!! sorry I did not write on my blog for SO long! 3 months! February, March, (my birthday) and April!! Mostly because I was busy and cannot use the laptop everyday because the exam is coming... :P hehe... Anyway, just now, I went to Mount Fabor. (sorry if wrong spelling) My mother, my sister, my maid and I went there. I think I i treked/tracked for 4.5 kilometer. I know.. WOW.. :P It was SO fun! I did not even argue with my sister during that. Hehe, the only thing we ate during the trek/track was 2 sneakers.. Haha.. (not the shoe sneakers!! :P) Oh well, BYE!!

Sunday, January 25, 2009

Chalet in Cost Sands Singapore

I'm atthe Costa sands Singapore chalet. I went here there. For the record, I'm at it now! I'm surprised that this chalet has a computer! And i'm using it for free!!!!!!!!!!!!1 It's GREAT here! especially during the BBQ time!!! oh well, bye!
(thanks for reading)