Sunday, August 17, 2008

Discovery Channel : Travel & Living

On discovery channel : Travel & Living , they have this show called 'bizarre foods'. This show shows a man eating bizarre foods! His name is Andrew Zinemem. (I think) Let me tell you one of the foods he ate. It is very gross. He ate goose's intestine. EEW...

When I grow up I want to be...

When I grow up, I want to be an author. And do you know why I want to be an author? Well, i have not get into that yet... hhmmm... oh! Well, to let other children read my books.. and maybe become famous in writing books! But for now, I will stick to writing stories first. That will be a long time from now. i showed you one of the stories that I wrote right in the previous post? Well now, i'm working on a new story.. the title: The prince, the frog and the princess. I have not quite finished it yet but i'll tell you..
The prince, the frog and the princess
Not so long ago, there lived a prince. He was selfish, spoilt and unkind. One sunny day, he decided to go to the pond. There, he saw an ugly looking frog and he decided to kill it. So, he went to the castle's kitchen to look for a knife. There, he found the knife, grabbed it and ran as quickly as possible to the pond. When he reached the pond, he had noticed that the frog was gone! He grumbled and grumbled all the way to his room. At his room, there, he saw the same ugly looking frog. As he tried to kill it, it turned into a witch. He flip-flopped backwards and nearly tripped as he was to shocked and frightened.
"You want to kill me? Well, now.. i want to kill you!!! See if you like it!!" croaked the witch. Before the prince could say anything, at once, the witch turned him into a frog! Now the prince was a frog. The frog jumped and croaked all around the room. The witch tried to kill it, but it hopped to fast to let the witch to kill it. He escaped by jumping out of the bedroom door.
Well, as I said, I have not quite finished yet.. But i'm working on it!!

Friday, August 8, 2008

Loyal Friend

When I grow up, I want to be an author. I had written some stories and I would like to share with you one of the stories.
Loyal Friend
I had a dog. He has brow fur and brown eyes. That's why I call him Browny. Iadopted him in the SPCA. He is well trained by the SPCA people. He has been toilet-trained, catch-a-frisbee-trained and even manners-trained! WOW! He follows me to school, and after school finishes, he barks really loudly to let me know he's there. So, he won't get left behind. I really love him. At first, I was actuallyalone... with no friends.. at all! But when Browny came, he changed everything. Boys and girls were at first annoyed by the loud barking usually made from Browny everyday after scholl, but now, they seem to understand him and started to like him. Of course, with his big, brown eyes, no one could resist it. He always shows his puppy-dog eyes when either me or my sblings or even my schoolmates scold him. When the first time I scolded him because he ate my exercise book, he showed me his puppy-dog eyes. And of course, I resisted it. The boys and girls in my school started to like me and Browny. I was so happy. During recess, we would play together either in the basketball court or the field. I love having friends. But Browny is my number one best friend. When I was in Primary 6, I still had Browny! Now, Browny is 10 years old. He was almost as big as a chair! Maybe I have mistaken his age but who could argue with a dog as big as a chair?! My father, mother, siblings and I took good care of him. Browny has only one difference from the rest of the dogs; whenever he sees a cat, he will try to make friends with it. Browny's a twisted dog!! And whenever he tries to make friends with a cat, the cat will run away! Now, I have to try to make someone his friend. But what could I do?! If it's a person-friend kinda thing,of course I know but and animal-friend? Golly! It was jarder than i thought it will be! Oh syaks!
On a Tuesday, somehow I told Browny not to follow me to school and 'fetch' me. On that particular day, I saw a cat. It was so beautiful! It had brown fur and brown eyes! So, the cat must be like Browny! They must get along! So, I brought her up to my house (i'm living in a flat). When the first time she saw him, she did nothing at all. Usually cats will try to run away when it sees a cat but this cat does nothing at all!! So, I let her down, calm and steady. Then she started to walk towards Browny. Browny also started to walk towards her. Browny made a soft bark and the cat made a soft meow. They were together! As friend of course. Hurray! I put them together! Hip, hip! HURRAY! I asked mother if I can keep her. But she refused and said,"If you keep the cat together with Browny, they will fight for sure!"
"Ah, that's correct, but Browny is a twisted dog. Instead of fighting her, he wants to make friends with her!" I croaked.
"Oh, is that so? Well, you can keep her. But only you. Understand?" Mother asked.
"OF COURSE!!"I screamed.
The word 'yay' was in my mind. Repeating and repeating and repeating! I could never get the word 'yay' out of my mind. It was the PSLE week now. I am feeling very nervous! Before school, (i'm in the afternoon session) I went to look whether the cat and Browny was okay. But before that, I decided to name the cat Britney. Haha, funny name! Oh well, it was my choice! I saw Bitrney and Browney playinf with a yarn of ball. Mostly Britney will play it more as cats love to play with yarns of ball. So, I said to myself,"okay, everything's the same!"
After school, usually I will hear Browny's barking. But today, there seem to be no barking. So, I just went home. I screamed when i opened the door of my house,"MOTHER, BROWNY, BRITNEY, I'M BACK!" I looked around and only saw mother lookind for something.
"Mother, where's Browny and Britney?" I asked her.
"They are lost, i'm finding them. Help me."Mother said. I too tried to find them but they were not found! I went out of the house to look for them. I went to the first floor to look for them. Then, I found them, in the drain. And guess what I saw? Them! But, they had blood oozing out of their bodies. I stared at them for five minutes then, I screamed. As loud as I could get. On the top of my lungs. I wanted to hold them in my hands and arms but they were covered in blood! Again, I stared at them for another five minutes. Then I thought about it. After about thirty seconds, I said to myself,"OH MY! Maybe they jumped from my house to the ground floor!" I stared at it again for another five minutes , and cried...
Well, that was the end of my story.. It's supposed to be a mystery story..
I hope you enjoyed and like my story!!!