Tuesday, June 2, 2009

June Holidays

Woohoo! June holidays are here! June holidays are in the house! Haha.. I am not going overseas. But it is better that I am not going overseas because I might get H1N1. Arggh! I hate that disease! It is spreading! Now it is even in Singapore! I hope anyone I know or me will not get that disease! Ah, anyway, Mr Loo assigned my class, (4C) assingments at He told us that he will assign us assingments everyday bit by bit! Oh ya, and those who are going overseas, Mr Loo will give the person assignments before AND after the trip. Luckily! I just hope that the people going overseas would not get H1N1! >Bismillahirohmanirohim. Ya Allah, Allah yang maha Esa, janganlah mengasi orang yang saya tahu H1N1. Dan Ya Tuhan, saya mintak kamu membuat H1N1 ini tiada lagi.. Ya Allah..<>